“Life isn’t about getting and having, it’s about giving and being.” – Kevin Kruse
I haven’t gotten to bed before 3am on a Christmas Eve in 6 years, since before my husband passed away. I have four children if that explains anything. I am busy with getting everything wrapped, put under the tree or in the stockings, and making it all as perfectly perfect as possible. I have definitely shed tears of exhaustion and cursed their father for not being here to help. I have also roped friends into helping on various years as well. It isn’t easy making that magic happen, but holy heck it is worth it! I LOVE Christmas morning! Just seeing their faces and excitement makes every second of lost sleep worth it. Those faces and the surprises I have put together for them fill me up, they give me the most amazing feeling one can feel. I know you know what I’m talking about too! One year I had my aunt make pillows for each of my children from one of their dad’s t-shirts. Last year I gave them each one very special home made item. The planning and the giving and the creating of those smiles are better than anything I could ever receive.
When I go crazy for two weeks cleaning and cooking for my annual holiday party, it is all worth it because of what I get to give. I get to give my friends a place to come and relax and catch up. I give them food and they bring me some as well. I give them LOTS of holiday cheer (even more than some might think they want)! It is so great to connect and see their faces again for the day and evening. I love the hugs and the memories that we are creating and sharing. None of what I do to provide this even feels like work. It is so much fun! I also know many of my friends find it kind that I do this every year and they look forward to it as much as my children and I do!
This past weekend, we got together with friends and wrote out holiday cards to send overseas for some soldiers who probably won’t get home to see their families this year. As I read some of the messages the children wrote to them and looked at the beautiful artwork, I had tears in my eyes. It moves me to see kindness. It moves me to be kind.
I am not telling you any of this for a pat on the back. I am reminding you that we all have that thing inside of us that makes us feel good when we do good. We all have times when we need a little grace, a little kindness in our lives. This is when we should spread it even more! We are not alone, we live in an interconnected society whether we want to or not. We are called to look after each other and to take care of one another to ensure that our society thrives. This is NOT just calling for actions during the holiday season, but all year long, in all seasons, and for all people!
George Elliston said, “How beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it.” When you make someone else’s day beautiful, in even the tiniest way, you, in turn, make your own day beautiful. When you make your day beautiful, especially if you might not be having the best day, you give yourself a gift. You increase the happiness in your own life, in your own day. Don’t we all want that? What if we were all kind? What if we all smiled at strangers? What if we all paid for the person behind us in line? What if we all showed more patience with others and assumed they were doing their best? What if we all cut each other more slack? What if we all gave each other respect for individual views and ideas? What if we all listened to each other to listen, and not to respond or debate or just to be heard? What if YOU felt listened to, respected, if people had patience for your faults, if everyone smiled at you, if someone paid for your coffee tomorrow?
What can you do to spread kindness this holiday season? What can you do to make it a habit beyond January? Let’s all try! Let us each try something to be kind each and every day. Let’s do it more than once a day! Let’s make it our mantra! Every time we are kind, no matter how small of a gesture, let’s be mindful of what we did, how we felt, and the difference we have made. Write it down! Keep a kindness journal. I challenge you, every single one of you, to live kindness. It will spread! Together, we can start a Kindness Revolution!
“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Imagine the possibilities… now let’s all do some shakin!
The happiest of holidays to you all and wishing you Peace.

Kelly Guay is a local author, widow and mother of four. She lives her life with humor and positivity in the hope that she can spread this outlook along to others. Her first book, "Refuse to Sink" is available on Amazon & also through Stella Maris Yoga (in-studio or our website).
You can find her blog here: